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Factory Automation: How IoT can accelerate production and reduce downtime?

Abhijeet Mandle

Factory Automation was a very fantasized word a few years ago, but now it is a reality. Few renowned players are there who know how to make a factory smart. However, there are still some areas where automation is yet to touch the peek. Factory automation makes sense when your plant machines are smart enough to add value to your business. How about making an antiquated machine smart to provide valuable data that could be converted to business insight, helpful for production planning and quality analysis, provide preventive maintenance, reduce unnecessary overhead cost, and many more as each machine comes with mind in-built, we just need to make their mind smart.

We at Technohertz has achieved such use cases where factory automation is making sense for management and owners. Our IIoT solution has helped companies to drill down to the root of production and get answers to questions untouched so far.

We have implemented factory automation for one of the major companies which capture a large volume in the electronic market. We made their antiquated machines talk to our gateway and transfer the various raw data to the cloud which we utilized in various aspects of the business.

These machines were enabled to pass on the data to the cloud via PLC to gateway using TCP or ODBC protocol. In some of the cases, we also replaced the PLC system utility tool with the cloud-based utility tool so that management could pull out any raw data and draw readable business graphs quickly. Our solution has helped the company to use the machine to max optimization by pulling per hour performance (Jobs/hour), Send preventive alerts to production head and management to take requisite actions to avoid unwanted failure and downtimes, proactive health checks of components to enable continuous smooth functioning of the machine, Dynamic scenarios of production lines and their combinations to maximize the production, the system enabled quality checks and apply improvement implementation to meet the production standards.

Along with these very much needed data points, we also gave a window to management and teams sitting at various co-ordinates of the world to peek into the plant and its production operations. This also enabled them to compare the production and market needs smartly and forecast the future. It helped them to cut down redundant costs and expenses. This is how they channelize that saved money in other parts of the business.

Thanks and Regards,
Ankit Gupta
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